About the authors…

We are a couple with different interest and hobbies and we would like to share our experiences with everyone, exchange opinion etc.

Our lives started at the opposites side of the world, until we finally met in Australia. It was love at first sight and since then we are working on our master-plan: growing a family in a self sustaining house. None of us have any idea on how to get there, but somehow we will!

While chasing our main goal we are following million different paths, mostly because of our curiosity, passion and interest in many different aspect of this wonderful world.

Once I read that a blog that is not directed to a “niche” will not produce any income…well is not that we don’t like money, but there is so much junk for sale in the net that we decide to be coherent with our self and just write useful (or not) information for everyone to use (or not). In this blog there will be pretty much anything that capture our interest and we hope to get feedback or ideas from you.

Why the URL and the name of the website is not the same? Well, we bought this domain to host our wedding’s website, but we like it, so we decided to keep it. The “y” between our names means “and” in Spanish, but reads “why” in English and we thought it was both funny and descriptive at the time…besides using the Italian “e” instead of “y” would not work, nor we will get the funny “Carolina why Fabio?”…so here we are.

Welcome in our travel…the world is ours!